Jonathan Lewis Video Going Viral On Twitter Explained

 Jonathan Lewis Video Going Viral On Twitter

Jonathan Lewis video is going viral on the internet and social media platforms. Jonathan Lewis video is being viral on twitter.

Jonathan Lewis, a teenage boy who was be@ten up by 15 students at a high school in Las Vegas, Nevada had died.

This is jonathan lewis photo
Image Via Twitter

Throw them all in prison for life.

According to the boy’s father, the brutal be@ting happened after 17 year old Jonathan Lewis stood up for one of his “smaller friends.”

“A couple (of kids) att@cked him, and they weren’t able to hurt him enough, and they all attacked him at once,” the father, Jonathan Lewis said.

In an emotional interview with a local news station, Lewis’ father remembered his son, saying he was a quiet kid and they had plans to move to Austin, Texas together.

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